
Tips & tricks to use Malware KO Free.

How to Restore Changes?


It is so awful if you use anti-malware software to mistakenly delete the important files but failed to restore. Malware KO Free lets you keep peace of mind, as it makes a backup of the threat before cleaning and lists all the changes that were made to your system in a box so that you can easily revert them. Now, download and install Malware KO Free to restore changes.

1. Activate Restore Screen

To restore some deleted files, you can simply click on "Restore changes" on the main window and it will switch to "Restore changes" screen.

Activate Restore Screen

2. Restore Changes

There is a list of changes that Malware KO Free has made to your system. Select necessary file or registry entry on that screen and click "Undo" and it will restore the selected item.

Restore Changes

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